Growing the Kingdom of God Together

Television Ministry

TV Ministry:

Sandra Hancock Ministries is broadcasting Voice of Hope with Sandra Hancock on WJTV in Jackson, WHLT in Hattiesburg, WRBJ (TBN) in Jackson, WEPT (CTN) in North Mississippi.  We are now international on The WORD Network.  The channel and show time for each is listed below:

WHLT (Hattiesburg) every Saturday from 6:30 am to 7 am
Cable viewers check your local listing for channel.  Direct TV and Dish Network 22.1.

WJTV (Jackson) every Saturday from 5:30 am to 6 am
Cable viewers check your local listing for channel.  Direct TV and Dish Network 12.

WRBJ (Jackson) TBN Network every Saturday from 1:30 pm to 2 pm.  Comcast channel 8 and WRBJ channel 34.

WEPH (Tupelo) CTN Network every Tuesday at 8:30 pm and every Sunday at 2 pm. DTV 49.1, Comcast 4, Cable One 11 and MetroCable 20.

The WORD Network every Saturday at 10 am ET / 9 am CT.  DTV 373, Comcast, Firestick, and Roku.

CTF-TV Network,  Check for show times.